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Abstract (2. Language): 
This paper investigated the changes and transformation that higher education systems in Europe have undergone in the last couple of decades in terms of internationalization and academic mobility. Various reports on higher education which were published by international organizations such as the European Union, European Commission, OECD countries and UNESCO constituted the data of this literature study. The ultimate goal of the study was to analyze the international aspect of higher education and international student mobility in one specific country, namely Turkey. A thorough investigation of the literature initially revealed that the academic world is at a stage where new challenges and opportunities take place. Because globalization combines economic and cultural change, it has created a demand for fully-equipped graduates who will become the skilled workforce in very competitive professional and academic areas. In order to meet the need for global-ready graduates, mobility programmes such as Erasmus have become one of the most substantial variables of higher education in Europe, and if national governments aim to ensure themselves an important place in the swiftly changing and developing world, it is highly necessary that they follow the developments in higher education, especially regarding internationalization and student mobility.



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