
Partial Purification And Characterization Of The DCSA (3, 6-Dichloro Salicylic Acid) Converting Enzyme In Pseudomonas xanthomonas maltophilia (PXM)

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Abstract (2. Language): 
The DCSA converting enzyme investigated in this study is probably a monooxygenase enzyme system that converts 3,6-dichlorosalicylic acid (DCSA) to 3,6-dichloro 2,5-dihydroxysalicylic acid (DCHSA). The DCSA converting enzyme was purified by a two step procedure that utilized ammonium sulfate fractionation (AS) and gel filtration chromatography. NADH and Mg++ stimulated the activity of the purified enzyme. An estimated MW of 82,000 kD for the enzyme was obtained by gel filtration.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bu çalışmada 3,6- di kloro salisilik asidi DCSA) 3, 6-dididroksi salisilik aside (DCHSA) dönüştüren muhtemel monooksijenaz enzimi üzerinde çalışıldı. DCSA yi dönüştüren enzim iki farklı adımda amonyum sülfat ve jel filtrasyonuu yoluyla saflaştırıldı. NADH ve Mg kısmi olarak saflaştırilan enzimin aktivitesini artırdı. Enzimin molekül ağırlığı yaklaşık olarak 82000 kD olarak hesaplandı.



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