
Investigation of the physiological changes in (Rosa canina L.) plant members comprising and not creating the gall

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Chlorophyll a, Chlorophyll b, Carotenoid, total chloropyhll concentrations, Chl-a/Chl-b ratio, Total Chlorophyll/Carotenoid ratio, sugar and starch and total carbohydrate amounts, dry biomass changes and proline and sugar amounts interaction at fruit galls of Diplolepis mayri Schld. On Rosa canina L. were studied. We found that Chl-a, Chl-b, carotenoid concentrations increased but Chla/Chl-b ratio decreased and total Chlorophyll/carotenoid ratio did not change with gall occurunce in leaves of galled plants. Sugar content at leaves of galled plants were found to be higher than sugar content of control group with galls. In contrast, starch content decreased. As total carbohydrate amount of galled plants declined with gall occurunce but increased with gall maturation. Generally, we found that dry biomass change and sugar content changes of leaves were similar. Monthly changes of sugar levels in fruits decreased depending on the nutrition of larva in galled fruits. It was also found that there is a similarity between the changes of proline and sugar levels as galls development. Proline levels were found to be very high in galled fruits of plants studied.



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