
Experimental determination of structural and electrical properties for constant tin concentrations in the Pb-Al-Sn composite system

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For the first time, the structural and electrical properties of Pb-Al-Sn composite system for constant tin concentrations were investigated in this work. The electrical conductivity of the samples depending on temperature was measured by four-point probe, and it was found that the conductivity decreases almost linearly with the temperature. The structural properties of the samples were determined by Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis (EDX). The SEM micrographs of the samples illustrated smooth surfaces with a clear grain boundary. The crystal structure of the samples was indexed in face-centered cubic (fcc) by using XRD data. The cell parameters and the grain sizes were determined from the XRD patterns. In addition, the temperature coefficients of electrical resistivities were obtained determined, which were independent of the compositions of the composite system.



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