
Jameson hücresinde bitümlü şlam kömürün flotasyonu için en uygun köpürtücü ve toplayıcı tipinin araştırılması

The investigation of the most suitable frother and collector type in the Jameson cell for flotation of bituminous coal slime

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Froth flotation, as a process in which fine coal particles are separated selectively from associated minerals in water slurries, by attachment to rising air bubbles, has a long history in the coal enrichment industry. It is the most widely used method for fine (<1mm) and ultrafine (<0.1mm) coal cleaning and approximately 142 million tones of fine coals are cleaned by flotation worldwide annually. This process can be influenced by a large number of material, reagent, equipment and operational variables. Changing one of these variables certainly affect the results of flotation, such as ash content and combustible recovery significantly. The effectiveness of a flotation process mostly depends on the type and amounts of used reagents. The reagents used in flotation of coal are generally collectors and frothers. The reagent collectors are used to promote the rigid adhesion of air bubbles to the coal surface. The purpose of the collector is to make the coal surface more hydrophobic. In coal flotation generally nonpolar hydrocarbon oils, such as kerosene, fuel oil, diesel oil and gasoline are used as collector at the amount of 0.5-5 kg/t. They have been successfully employed in coal industry to separate combustibles from the gangue minerals such as clay. The frother addition is another important operating parameter which affects flotation performance. This reagent enables the production of smaller air bubbles and stabilization of the froth zone. The most commonly used frothers in coal flotation are MIBC, Dowfroth-250, Pine oil and 2-Ethyl hexanol at the amounts of 50-250 gr/t. In this study, the most suitable frother and collector type for bituminous coal slime flotation was investigated. Flotation experiments were carried out using four different type frothers and four different type collectors (kerosene, fuel oil, diesel oil, gasoline) in the Jameson cell. In order to determine the most suitable frother type, a series of tests was conducted with MIBC, Dowfroth-250, pine oil and 2-ethly hexanol. In these tests, the collector (kerosene) dosage was kept constant (1800 g/t), while frother amount ranged from 100-500 g/t. The highest flotation efficiency was obtained by using MIBC as frother and kerosene as collector. On the other hand, the lowest clean coal ash was achieved with 2-ethyl hexanol and gasoline. In conclusion, a coking clean coal with an ash content of 15.48% was obtained from the bituminous coal slime having 48.80% ash with a combustible recovery of 78 by using the most suitable collector and frother in the Jameson cell.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Flotasyon, sulu bir ortam içerisinde hava kabarcığı oluşturmak ve bu kabarcıklarla kıymetli cevheri yüzdürme yoluyla yapılan bir ayırma ve zenginleştirme işlemidir. Bu çalışmada, Zonguldak bitümlü şlam kömürünün Jameson hücresinde flotasyonu için en uygun toplayıcı ve köpürtücü cinsi araştırılmıştır. Flotasyon deneyleri 4 farklı tipte köpürtücü (MIBC, Dowfroth 250, Çamyağı, 2-etil hegzanol) ve 4 farklı tipte toplayıcı (gazyağı, fuel oil, motorin, benzin) kullanılarak yapılmıştır. En yüksek flotasyon verimi köpürtücü olarak MIBC, toplayıcı olarak gazyağının kullanılması durumunda elde edilmiştir. Diğer taraftan, en düşük küllü temiz kömürler 2-etil hegzanol köpürtücüsü ve benzin toplayıcısı ile elde edilmiştir. Sonuçta, Jameson hücresinde en uygun köpürtücü ve toplayıcı cinsi kullanılarak %48.80 kül içeren bitümlü kömür şlamlarından, %78 yanabilir verim değeriyle, %15.48 küllü koklaşabilir özellikte temiz kömürler üretilmiştir.



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