
Sonlu elemanlar yöntemi ile asenkron motor analizi ve motorun farklı kayma değerlerine göre momentinin matlab programlama dili ile hesaplanması

Calculating momentum with matlab programming language according to values of different slip of motor and induction motor analysis with finite element method

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Abstract (2. Language): 
In this article, we will focus on the analysis of an induction motor with finite element method. By using finite element method (FEM) calculation of energy and moment of induction motor is described. Aspects of being robust, requiring little maintenance, the low cost, not being affected by environmental conditions and their power per unit volume induction motors are superior to other motors and can be used in almost every field. Motor analyzed have 18 stator and 22 rotor. The air gap between stator and rotor is 0.5mm. Enameled copper conductors have diameter 2*0.55mm and winded as 47 windings. The finite element method generally can be explained from these stages: Giving node and element numbers, Division of the solution area, solution area is separated to areas and element numbers are given, Generation of coefficient matrix, Put known values of vector potential and excitations (current etc.) into problem, Solution of systems of equation and finding potential at nod points, Calculation of other quantities from calculated potential values. In finite element method initially solution area is divided small triangle elements. In numerical calculation it is essential and expresses approximate solution. In this study, the magnetic vector potential and magnetic flux density changes have investigated in the solution of the induction motor using finite element method (FEM). Additionaly, calculated energy and momentum values , are compared with experimental results. For this, a program is developed using Matlab programming language. The induction motor (6A, 380V) is designed and constructed for this study has 7.45 Nm torque value is obtained from experimental studies. Half of the motor according to the study of symmetry is discussed, so calculated value of moment multiplied by 2. In this case, the moment was 7.78 Nm. About 4.4% of error derived from negligence in the finite element method, experimental errors in measuring device is used in this study and etc. The momentum sizes that obtained from this study have a high degree of accuracy than literature examination. In addition, MATLAB software provides easy programming and advanced graphics features. Ready function takes many lines in programming languages, but it can be prepared in only a few lines by MATLAB program than literature examination (Polat ve Kürüm, 2011). Because of these advantages MATLAB programming language should be used during the analysis of an induction motor. As a conclusion, designing induction motor by using finite element method, gives better result.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bu makalede, sonlu elemanlar yöntemi (SEY) kullanılarak asenkron motorun matlab programından yararlanarak çözüm bölgesinde magnetik vektör potansiyel ve magnetik akı yoğunluğu değişimleri incelenip manyetik büyüklükler hesaplanmıştır. Ek olarak, enerji ve moment değerleri hesaplanarak deneysel sonuçlarla karşılaştırılmıştır. Bunun için Matlab programlama dili kullanılarak bir program geliştirilmiştir. Bu çalışmanın sonucunda değişik kayma değerlerine göre elde edilen moment büyüklüklerinin deneysel çalışmalara çok yakın sonuçlar verdiği, matlab programı sayesinde görülmüştür. Yapılan literatür taramasında nesnel tabanlı bir programlama dili ile yapılan analizlerin, daha uzun komut satırlarıyla yapıldığı görülüp, matlab ile yapılan analizlerde daha kısa komut satırları kullanılmıştır.



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