
Kezer Çayı'nm hidroelektrik enerji potansiyelinin değerlendirilmesi

Kezer River hydroelectric energy potential evaluation

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Energy plays a vital role in the socio-economic development and in raising the standard of living. Turkey is a rapidly growing country where both its population and economy are expanding each year, resulting in a corresponding increase in its energy demand. This increasing demand has to be met to keep a sustainable development in the economy and to raise the living conditions of the people. Although Turkey has many energy sources, it is a big energy importer. Turkey has a lot of potential to supply its own energy, which could be harnessed in order to avoid this energy dependency. Small, mini and micro-hydro plants (usually defined as plants less than 10 MW, 2 MW and 100 kW, respectively) play a key role in many countries for rural electrification. Small scale hydro is mainly 'run of river,' so does not involve the construction of large dams and reservoirs. Therefore there have been minimal and ignorable environmental problems with small scaled hydro plants in comparison with those of HEPs with large dams. In medium head (5m< head< 15 m) or high head (head >15 m) installations, water is carried to the forebay by a small canal. Low head installations (head <5m) generally involve water entering the turbine almost directly from the weir. Small hydro technology is extremely robust (systems can last for 50 years or more with little maintenance) and also has the capacity to make a more immediate impact on the replacement of fossil fuels because unlike other sources of renewable energy. It can generally produce some electricity on demand with no need for storage or backup systems. Turkey has a mountainous landscape with an average elevation of 1132 m that is about three times higher than the European average. This topography favors the formation of high gradient mountain streams which are suitable locations for SHEP development. Investments of Hydroelectric Power Plants have been grown up and our country has become like a construction site by entering into force of the law concerning the transfer of the right of water use in Turkey since 2001. This situation has increased the importance of planning and arousing interest of academic levels of Hydroelectric Power Plant. In this study, a concrete example of a not accumulated hydroelectric facility planning is discussed by aiming of consideration of Kezer River hydroelectric energy potential. In this context, first the importance of Hydroelectric Power Plants in Turkey's energy policy is mentioned. Topographic, geographic, social and cultural aspects of the project site are considered in material and methods section of the thesis that is subject to Kezer River drainage area, fed by the waters and the river attended. Benefiting from the records of the flow rate and flow gauging stations, flow duration curve was created and the water flow rate was found. Sediment pool, a transmission channel, penstock pipe by calculating the sum of local and frictional losses, net head found. Installed power and energy values of the total annual flow have been calculated using discharge, net head and turbine efficiency. Finally, in order to determine the capacity of the regulator spillway flood calculations were made with the help of regional flood frequency analysis method.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Türkiye'de su kullanım hakkının devrine ilişkin yasanın yürürlüğe girdiği 2001 yılından itibaren Hidroelektrik Santral (HES) yatırımları ivme kazanmış ve böylece ülkemiz adeta bir şantiye halini almıştır. Bu durum HES planlamalarının önemini ve akademik düzeyde ilgiyi arttırmıştır. Bu çalışmada, Kezer Çayı'nın hidroelektrik enerji potansiyelinin değerlendirmesine yönelik olarak, biriktirmesiz bir hidroelektrik tesisin planlamasına ait somut bir örnek incelenmiştir. Bu kapsamda ilk önce Türkiye'nin enerji politikasındaHES'lerin önemine değinilmiştir. Proje sahası topografık, coğrafi, sosyal ve kültürel açıdan ele alınarak, Kezer Çayı hakkında drenaj alanı, beslendiği sular ve katıldığı akarsu hakkında detaylı bilgiler verilmiştir. Akım gözlem istasyonu debi ve akım kayıtlarından faydalanılarak debi süreklilik eğrisi oluşturularak su debisi bulunmuştur. Çökeltim havuzu, iletim kanalı, cebri borudaki sürekli ve yersel yük kayıpları toplamı hesaplanarak net düşüm yüksekliği bulunmuştur. Debi, net düşü ve türbin verimi değerleri kullanılarak kurulu güç ve yıllık toplam enerji değerleri bulunmuştur. Son olarak regülatör dolu savak kapasitesinin belirlenmesi amacıyla bölgesel taşkın frekans analizi yöntemi kullanılarak taşkın hesaplamaları yapılmıştır.