
Magic WH-Questions and their Effect on L2 Oral Performance of EFL Learners

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Abstract (2. Language): 
This mixed methods study investigated the effect of wh-question type of graphic organizer as a learning tool on helping university students to organize their thoughts and to improve their speaking skill. Fifty five learners from two classes at a pre-intermediate level of proficiency were randomly assigned to one experimental and one control group. To the experimental group, the graphic organizer was described and illustrated with examples of Fishbone Diagram for eight sessions, while the control group just received a placebo. The two groups were administered a pre-test and a post-test. T-tests of dependent and independent samples were carried out to find the significant differences within the groups and across the groups. The findings displayed that the introduction of the diagram produced positive results on students’ speaking proficiency and their ability to orally present the completed diagram. Further, the findings revealed that the graphic organizer was helpful in allowing the students to organize their thoughts after answering wh-questions by using graphic organizers. For the qualitative part of the study, the participants from the experimental group were administered a questionnaire. They commented that the use of the graphic organizer enhanced the instructional process and they came to believe that it had some effect on their students’ speaking scores.



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