
Promising an Alternative Path: Analyzing Students’ Attitudes towards Comparative Literature Studies

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In the twenty first century world everything changes so quickly and education systems have also been affected by such rapid change. As a result of the parallelism to the changes, globalism and cultural studies have gained significance within the field of education. For novice teachers in particular, having cultural awareness and a point of view about what has been happening around the world are significant factors for becoming a well-equipped teacher. In relation to this, comparative literature studies may be a means to assist novice teachers to gain both cultural and social awareness. As a result of its nature, comparative literature studies trigger the study of sociology, psychology, political sciences and cultural studies and may therefore help students’ both linguistic and sociological development. In order to analyze students’ attitudes towards comparative literature studies a six question survey was given to ELT students at Dokuz Eylül University. As a result of the findings it becomes patent that although students appreciate literature courses, they would also prefer to engage in different course content. In addition, according to the survey, students underline the fact that grammar study alone is insufficient for becoming a teacher; they also need to be aware of their own and other cultures. In relation to the above, there is a significant need for studying both Turkish literature and comparative studies within the Turkish education system.



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