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Abstract (2. Language): 
In this investigation, the results derived from the resistivity study in order to monitor the distribution of ground water were enlarged leading to a comprehensive study including salinity and pollution. The resistivity studies were conducted at 14 points by using vertical electric drillings, the Schlumberger series. The average depth of vertical electric drillings were selected as 250 m. With the help of this study, an alluvial formation affected by the saline water was observed at depths that are close to surface (nearly 10-30 metres). This situation indicates an important salinity problem. Water samples were taken from 72 boreholes in order to investigate the size of actual salinity and pollution. When all the borehole data are investigated together (in chemical and bacteriological manner), it was determined that merely 22 % of the boreholes could be utilized. Under the guidance of this study which was forwarded to a region extending between Ayd-n-Ku/adas--Güzelçaml-, an important ground water problem is in question within the study area. The water pollution problem should be disposed by taking necessary measures such as purification and distilling.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bu aratrmada, öncelikle yer alt suyu dalmn izlemek amacyla yaplan özdirenç çalmasnda elde edilen sonuçlar nda, alan geniletilerek tuzluluk ve kirlilik analizlerini içeren bir çalma yaplmtr. Özdirenç çalmalar düey elektrik sondajlar (DES) Schlumberger dizilimi kullanlarak 14 noktada gerçekletirilmitir. Düey elektrik sondajlarn aratrma derinlii ortalama 250 metre olarak seçilmitir. Bu çalmadan elde edilen modellere göre, yüzeye yakn (yaklak 10-30 metre derinliinden itibaren), tuzlu sudan etkilenmi alüvyon birimi gözlenmitir. Bu da önemli bir tuzluluk sorununu iaret etmektedir. .nceleme alanndaki güncel tuzluluk ve kirlilik boyutunun aratrlmas amacyla 72 adet sondaj kuyusundan su örneklerli alnmtr. Tüm kuyu verileri bir arada (kimyasal ve bakteriyolojik) deerlendirildiinde kuyularn ancak %22 si kullanlabilir durumda olduu saptanmtr. Aydn - Kuadas - Güzelçaml yöresini içeren bu çalma nda bölgenin önemli bir yer alt suyu sorunu olduu söylenebilir. Gerekli önlemlerin alnarak (artma vb.) bölgenin su sorunu çözülmeye çallmaldr.



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