
Sosyal Sorumluluğun Araçlarından Biri Olarak Sosyal Etiket

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Abstract (2. Language): 
In the recent years, social responsibility became amust for companies in order to sustain their existence. It is spread out that companies have important obligations towards every part of the community and environment beyond their own corporate motto. Social responsibility covers the mandatory obligations (legal) and responsibilities (voluntary) which are expected from the company throughout its relations with the stakeholders. Social responsibility ,that has emerged as a different concept besides social policy, has different types.These can be explained as legal, ethic, strategic and philanthropic. The legal one identifies with official (obligatory) social policy. The others mean that a responsibility which is over the regulations is taken. Responsibility which is over the regulations (voluntary) can be described as corporate social policy. Corporate Social Policy (social responsibility) which is over the regulations (voluntary) can be realized byusing some tools. Official social policy tools of companies are identified by regulations. This subject is not the interest of this article’s scope.Voluntary social policy (responisbility) tools are shaped within the application. Besides the fact that thereare no certain standards to define if the company acts responsiblyin the social way or not, social label can be identified as a tool. The definition of social responsibility is firstly explained in this article. Then, tools of social responsibility are introduced briefly. Later on, social label which is one of theintorduced tools is explained and lastly article is brought to an end by a short evaluation.



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