Opinions of School Administrators about Psychological Counseling and
Guidance Services: A Descriptive Study
Journal Name:
- Eğitim Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi (EBAD)
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Abstract (2. Language):
The role and importance of psychological counseling and guidance services (PCGS)
in the educational system are increasing day by day. Parents, teachers, administrators and
particularly students benefit from counselors and guidance services offered in schools.
School counselors’ performance is critical for achieving the desired quality and quantity of
these services, but the involvement of school administrators in the process is also an
indispensable factor. Özer and Gökçakan (1999) indicate that the inability to get support
from administrators and teachers takes first place (85%) among systemic problem perceived
by school counselors.
Counselors providing services in many areas, from suicide to abuse, within the
framework of students' academic, professional and personal / social development, undertake
tasks such as application of school PCGS programs, students’ individual educational
planning, prevention and intervention activities through individual and group work, and
provision of consulting services for parents, teachers and administrators (Page, Pietrzak &
Sutton, 2001; Paisley & McMahon, 2001; ASCA, 2013).
Developmental guidance applications can be said to require harmony between
relevant stakeholders (administrators, teachers and parents) (Camadan & Kahveci, 2013).
There is no doubt that not only the quality and quantity of counselors, but also opinions and
attitudes of managers, will directly affect the atmosphere in a school; and, productivity of the
organization is important for the efficiency and quality of PCGS in a school. According to
Zalaquett and Chatters (2012), school administrators who play a key role in the school have
an important contribution to the cooperative relationship counselors develop with the
It is pleasing to find in the studies examined for the research those administrators'
views on school counseling and guidance services are positive; however, the dissemination
of this perception and handling it by different variables will also increase the effectiveness of
PCGS studies. In this context, the aim of the study is to examine the administrators’ opinions
about school PCGS according to variables including gender, branch, years of service, type of
school, place of school, the numbers of counselors and students at the school, and in-service
training taken about guidance. The findings will be able to provide information about
perceptions regarding the PCGS and counselors’ performance in various fields and also
contribute to researchers and practitioners in training of PCGS experts.
General surveys used in this descriptive study. Research group consists of 203 school
administrators, 172 of m whom are male (88,7%) while 31 are female (15,3%).
Administrators’ ages vary between 25 and 51, and their service period of administration is
between 1 and 20 years. The research data were obtained through a scale developed by researchers. Service areas in PCGS programs (counseling, educational-vocational guidance,
consultation, etc.) implemented in schools were taken into account while preparing the
questionnaire items. Scale items developed in the form of a Likert type rating were analyzed
through factor analysis to ensure the validity of the study, and ultimately a single factor and
two-component structures with a total of twenty item sex planning 58% of the variance were
reached. The first sub-dimension evaluates the effectiveness of PCGS services in the
education system, and its internal consistency coefficients are .94. The second sub-dimension
assesses the necessity of PCGS, and its internal consistency coefficient is .85. That the scores
obtained are high demonstrates that the perception regarding the effectiveness and necessity
of PCGS is also high.
A personal information form was used in order to collect information about variables
such as administrators’ gender, service period of management, branch, school type, and
location of school, the number of school counselors and ratio of students per counselor.
T-test and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used to test whether
administrators’ views differed according to the independent variables. A Scheffe test was
used in order to determine the source of the difference.
According to the findings obtained after the analysis of the data, it was seen that
school administrators’ scores on the necessity and effectiveness of PCGS do not differ
statistically according to the variables of gender, service period of management, school type
or the number of counselors at school. In terms of the effectiveness of the PCGS, branchteacher
administrators working at schools where the ratio of students per counselor is
between 250-500 have a more positive perception. Administrators working at a town school
were determined to have a higher perception than those of city schools in terms of necessity
of PCGS.
Considering the results, male and female administrators can be said to have similar
perspectives and perceptions about PCGS. Female administrators may have tended to move
together with men in administrative matters due to the very high number of male
administrators in educational organizations. Although the administrators with experience of
6-10 years of administration have more positive views about PCGS than others according to
the service period of administration, the differentiation is not significant. The obtained result
seems to be in line with the findings of Erözkan (1997) and Peker & Kaygusuz (2009). In
Turkey, the position of PCGS within the school system requires close co-operation with
administrators. This academic cooperation, whether in the early periods of administration or
later, can be considered a service area from which school administrators’ benefit?
The fact that guidance services have emerged and become widespread, primarily in
secondary educational organizations (Tan, 1992), may have an impact on secondary branchteacher
administrators having a more positive opinion about effectiveness of PCGS than
others. In addition to this, differentiation can be said to be observed in effectiveness of
counseling and guidance services since many studies of primary school teachers are
evaluated in the context of guidance. According to the variable of type of school, the results
suggest that the notion that a guidance service is necessary and effective at every educational
level is prevalent. The necessity and importance of counseling and guidance services in schools are emphasized in many studies (Özabacı, Sakarya & Doğan, 2008; Camadan &
Sezgin, 2012).
According to the settlements of schools at which the administrators work, the town
administrators’ views on the necessity of PCGS were higher than the views of city
administrators. This result can also be considered as an expected result. Employment of
counselors in urban center schools seems to be more common than that of towns, but it is not
at the desired level. This situation may be one cause of an increasing need for and
expectation of counseling and guidance services in smaller settlements.
That the views about PCGS did not differ despite the insufficient number of school
counselors can be interpreted as meaning that counselors show high performances, and that
there is not a significant differentiation in quality of work done in schools with relatively
high number of counselors.
According to the findings of the study, views of administrators who work with
counselors serving 250-500 students are significantly more positive in terms of the
effectiveness of counseling than those working with counselors serving 750 or more
students. This obtained and expected result is also deemed compatible with the advisorstudent
ratio ASCA suggests. According to ASCA (2013), a counselor is advised to serve 250
students, while the ratio is greater than about twice that in Mersin where the study was held
(Akdeniz RAM, 2013). The number of students at ideal levels affects the workload of
consultants and administrators, while it can also affect the quality of services provided.
In conclusion, the opinions of school administrators examined this research about
guidance services do not differentiate according to gender, length of service, type of school
or number of counselors. However, branch-teacher administrators, town-school
administrators and administrators working with counselors who serve 250-500 students
were found to have more positive views on PCGS than others. Considering the results
obtained from the study, the perception about the necessity of counseling and guidance
services seems to be high. It is understood that administrators who work in towns and with
no counselor feel a need for guidance services. The service-producing school administrators
can be said to have high expectations about the effectiveness of the counseling and guidance
activities. In particular, future studies should be considered within the framework of roles
and tasks of psychological counseling services in our country, and even under international
standards, to contribute further to the field work.
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Abstract (Original Language):
Çalışmanın amacı, okul yöneticilerinin, okullarındaki Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik (PDR) hizmetlerine ilişkin görüşlerini cinsiyet, branş, hizmet yılı, okul türü, okulun bulunduğu yerleşim birimi, okuldaki psikolojik danışman sayısı ve öğrenci sayısı değişkenlerine göre incelemektir. Betimsel yöntemin kullanıldığı alan taraması niteliğindeki araştırmanın grubu, 203 okul yöneticisinden oluşmaktadır. Araştırmanın verileri, araştırmacılarca geliştirilen ve 20 maddeden oluşan ölçme aracı ile elde edilmiştir. Ayrıca, demografik değişkenlerle ilgili bilgi toplamak amacıyla kişisel bilgi formu kullanılmıştır. Katılımcıların görüşlerinin bağımsız değişkenlere göre farklılaşıp farklılaşmadığını test etmek amacıyla t-testi ve tek yönlü varyans analizi kullanılmıştır. Araştırma bulguları, okul yöneticilerinin PDR hizmetlerine ilişkin görüşlerinin cinsiyet, hizmet yılı, okul türü ve okuldaki psikolojik danışman sayısı değişkenlerine göre farklılaşmadığını göstermiştir. Bunun yanı sıra, branş öğretmenleri ve psikolojik danışman başına düşen öğrenci sayısı az olan okul yöneticileri PDR alanının etkililiğine daha fazla inanmaktadır. Yerleşim birimi değişkenine göre ise, kasabalarda görev yapan okul yöneticileri kent merkezlerindeki okul yöneticilerine oranla, PDR hizmetlerinin gerekliliğine daha fazla inanmaktadırlar.
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