
Zihin Engelli Bireylere Eğitim Veren Öğretmenlerin Tükenmişlik Düzeylerinin İncelenmesi (Tokat İli Örneği)

Measurement of Special Education Teachers' Burnout Levels (Tokat Example)

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Introduction Burnout was first conceptualized in the 1970s by Herbert Freudenberger to describe the occupational depression experienced in service professions. Burnout is a condition caused by failure, attrition, and loss of energy or diminished sense of accomplishment (Şahin & Şahin, 2012). Burnout is a popular term used for the decline in physical energy that arises following a chronic stress period related to work. This condition finds a place in the literature due to its ubiquity and consequences (Tümkaya, 2000). Eren and Durna (2006) state that burnout does not reflect a condition that individuals are in or not in at a certain time, but rather it reflects a process. The individual who experiences burnout is aware of a feeling of occupational dissatisfaction and exhaustion. However, the difficulty of expressing such feelings and the lack of apparent symptoms often causes this condition to be overlooked (Şahin & Şahin, 2012). Burnout is a result of work stress, and affects not only the individual experiencing it but also on his/her colleagues and institution, the group he/she serves, and society as a whole (Erçen, 2007). Because of this, burnout is no longer an individual problem but becomes a societal issue in the teaching profession (Oruç, 2007). Burnout is an important issue in education, particularly in the special education field. Special education teachers experience many sources of stress in their work (Billingsely, 2004). The heavy workload, unrealistic expectations regarding children’s development in the class, poor self-perceptions of success, long hours of working with disabled children and feelings of isolation cause frustration in teachers (Çokluk, 2001 cited in: Aydemir, 2013). The characteristics of children, struggles with controlling the children, the difficulty of teaching the subjects in special education, dissatisfaction with the teaching process, etc. cause burnout among special education teachers (Oruç, 2007). The problems occurring as a result of occupational burnout do not affect the teacher only, but are also reflected to the students, the parents, the school, and the teacher’s surroundings. This causes a decline in the quantity and quality of teaching-instruction services, creating an obstacle in the education of already-disadvantaged special education children. The study of this obstacle in terms of the right to education of disabled individuals is important. The purpose of this study was to determine the burnout levels of special education teachers according to some variables, and to discuss the condition of burnout in the context of the right to education of individuals with special needs. Method A survey model was used in the study to present the burnout levels of teachers working with individuals with special needs at special education institutions in terms of different variables because it is best suited to the descriptive nature of the study. As Karasar (2008) notes, “Descriptive survey models are the research approaches which aim to describe a past or present situation in its original state”. The population of the study consists of 83 teachers working at special education application centers and occupational application centers serving mentally disabled individuals in Tokat in October 2013. Data were collected from all of the five institutions in the province. The study included teachers who agreed to fill out the questionnaires. The study utilized, as data collection tools, the Individual Information Form and the Maslach Burnout Inventory. The Individual Information Form was produced by the researcher to obtain information about the independent variables. The Maslach Burnout Inventory, developed by Maslach and Jackson (1981), was adapted to Turkish by Ergin (1992). The Maslach Burnout Inventory has three domains and consists of 22 items. The data obtained were analyzed using the SPSS 13.0 for Windows package program. For the discriminant analysis, the non-parametric Mann Whitney U-Test for binary groups and Kruskal Wallis H-Test for groups of three or more were used. Findings and Results While no significant differences were observed in the Emotional Burnout or Depersonalization subdomains according to the genders of the teachers, there was a significant difference in the Personal Achievement subdomain. The mean rank scores of males were higher in the Personal Achievement subdomain compared to females. This finding reveals that females experience higher burnout than males in the Personal Achievement subdomain. In the analysis done with the age variable, there were no statistically significant differences in the Emotional Burnout or Depersonalization subdomains, but a difference again appeared in the Personal Achievement subdomain. In the mean ranks, the highest score in Personal Achievement was among the teachers above age 43, followed by the groups of teachers ages 31-42 and 23-30. In the Depersonalization subdomain, there was a negative correlation between age and depersonalization. This result reveals that younger teachers experience greater burnout than older teachers. According to the analysis related to professional seniority, while there were no significant differences in the Depersonalization or Personal Achievement subdomains, a difference was observed in the Emotional Burnout subdomain. When the mean ranks are considered, the highest score was in the teachers with professional seniority greater than 11 years, followed by the teachers with professional seniority of 3-6 years, 7-10 years, and 1-2 years, respectively. These results show teachers with more professional seniority experience greater burnout within the Depersonalization subdomain. In the analysis performed with the branch variable, no statistically significant differences were observed in the Emotional Burnout or Personal Achievement subdomains, while difference was observed in the Depersonalization subdomain. The highest score in the mean ranks was in the teachers who were classroom teachers of the mentally disabled, followed by classroom teachers and branch teachers. This shows that in the Depersonalization subdomain, classroom teachers of the mentally disabled experience greater burnout than classroom and branch teachers. This study reveals a need for more in-depth qualitative studies about the execution of the right to education of individuals who are in need of special education, and about the burnout levels of teachers in the context of the right to education. There is also a need for comparative studies that examine the burnout levels of special education teachers and teachers working at regular schools.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bu çalışmanın amacı zihin engelli bireylerle çalışan öğretmenlerin yaşamış oldukları tükenmişliğin bazı değişkenlere göre belirlenmesi ve yaşanan tükenmişlik durumunun zihin engelli bireylerin eğitim hakkı bağlamında tartışılmasıdır. Araştırmada veriler “Maslach Tükenmişlik Ölçeği” kullanılarak toplanmıştır. Veriler Tokat il ve ilçelerindeki kamuya ait 5 özel eğitim uygulama merkezi ve iş uygulama merkezinde çalışan 83 öğretmenden elde edilmiştir. Maslach Tükenmişlik Ölçeğinden elde edilen puanlara ilişkin olarak tükenmişlik alt ölçek puanları açısından zihin engelli bireylerle çalışan öğretmenlerinin demografik değişkenlerine bağlı farklılaşmanın olup olmadığını değerlendirmek için nonparametrik testlerden ikili gruplar için Mann-Whitney U testi, üç veya daha fazla grup için ise Kruskal-Wallis H testi uygulanmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda zihin engelli bireylerle çalışan öğretmenlerin cinsiyet, yaş, mesleki kıdem, branş ve mezun oldukları program değişkenlerine göre ölçeğin alt ölçek boyutlarında anlamlı farklılıklar olduğu, medeni durum değişkeni altında anlamlı bir farklılık olmadığı bulunmuştur.



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