Journal Name:
- Eğitimde Kuram ve Uygulama Dergisi
Keywords (Original Language):
Author Name | University of Author | Faculty of Author |
Abstract (2. Language):
This study was an attempt to identify to what extent students at primary level in elementary education
were able to grasp the Place Value Concept (PVC) and to identify the types of errors of those students
not able to grasp PVC. For this purpose, 728 primary school students at 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade
levels were interviewed. In order to obtain data, semi-structured interview forms were used and each
subject was interviewed individually.
According to the results obtained, it was observed that the percentage of correct answers for questions
related to PVC was low for all grade levels. The higher their levels of success were, the lower their
proportion of errors. However, it was observed that all students had difficulties with questions
regarding PVC. It was also seen that the difficulties were similar from the point of view of gender.
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Abstract (Original Language):
Bu makalede, ilkögretim birinci kademe ögrencilerinin basamak deger kavramını hangi düzeyde
dogru bir sekilde ögrenebildikleri ve ögrenemeyenlerin ise ne tür hatalar yaptıkları belirlenmeye
çalısılmıstır. Bu amaçla ilkögretim 2. 3. 4. ve 5. sınıf ögrencilerinden olusan toplam 728 ögrenciye
ulasılmıstır. Veri toplamak için yarı yapılandırılmıs görüsme formları kullanılmıstır. Her bir
ögrenciyle bire bir olarak görüsülmüstür. Elde edilen veriler incelendiginde ögrencilerin basamak
deger kavramına iliskin soruları dogru cevaplama yüzdelerinin her sınıf düzeyi için düsük oldugu
gözlenmistir. Ögrencilerin basarı düzeyleri arttıkça hata yapma oranları azalmakla birlikte yine de her
basarı düzeyinde bu konuda güçlük yasandıgı gözlenmistir. Cinsiyet açısından ise bu konuda yasanan
güçlüklerin benzer oldugu görülmüstür.
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