
A Comparative Study of Patriotism, Protectionism, Social Economic Conservatism between Indian and Vietnamese Consumers: The Effects of these Constructs on Buying Inclinations

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Abstract (2. Language): 
The current study’s emphasis is intended to provide researchers with a point of departure for understanding specific cultural differences associated with the ethnocentrism scale. Consumer characteristics such as patriotism, protectionism and social economic conservatism are analyzed. This manuscript empirically compares these three dimensions of the ethnocentrism scale (Shimp, T. A. and Sharma, S. 1987) using data furnished by Vietnamese and Indian consumers. Using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), the findings indicate that the three dimensions of the ethnocentrism model are validated in both countries. The study results indicated that there are discernable attitudinal differences between Vietnamese and Indian consumers. The study also explores the relationship between CETSCALE subscales (patriotism, protectionism and social economic conservatism) of Vietnamese and Indian consumers and the underlying dimensions of ethnocentrism construct with different countries. The results showed that all loadings in the model were significant, leading us to conclude that the relationships between the items and latent factors were confirmed by the two datasets obtained from different countries.

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