
The Viewer Behaviors During ‘Prime-Time’ Commercials in Turkish Channels

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Abstract (2. Language): 
When television is being watched the most, commercials reach much more audience. Television viewers constantly face the dilemma of changing the channel or not when commercials appear on their favorite shows. Networks strategically time their commercials in such a way that content viewers have to decide whether they should wait for the commercials to end or start flipping the channels in the hope of finding a better program. If it is accepted the commercials shown in the first minute of breaking up television shows, is being watched the most, then whether there is a significant difference in changing of the amount of viewers among the channels. This article uses the factors such as gender, age, and socio-economic status, and channels-four national television channels in Turkey, to compare the watching ratings during first minute of television commercials in each television channels by using descriptive statistics techniques and chi-square criterion. The paper can be useful for commercial owners especially first minute to determine the types of people watching. In addition to this, it determines Turkish people’s attitudes in most widely towards television commercials.