The History of The Periphrasis’s Improvement and its Importance in Arabic Language
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- Fırat Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi
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Abstract (2. Language):
Periphrasis which is one of the meaninig concept of Eloquence means to exaggerate in science of Elaoquence it means to express less meanings with more words.
Periphrasis showed up in thePre-Islamic period (Jahiliyya), it was used during the first years of the Islam and was conceptualised during the period of Abbasid and was used as a topic in the field of literature. Periphrasis as a notion which was used during the Pre-Islamic period (Jahiliyya) to explain the social and literary life is divided into eight groups: Explanation, attribute, repetition, reservation, hypercatalexis, completion, elucidation, parenthesis.
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Abstract (Original Language):
Belâğat ilminin meânî tabirlerinden olan itnâb lügatte, sözü uzatmak veya sözü abartmak anlamlarına gelir. Belâğat ilminde ise, lafzın manadan fazla olmasıdır.
İtnâb, Câhiliyye döneminde ortaya çıkmış İslam’ın ilk yıllarında belirgin bir şekilde kullanılmış, Abbasi döneminde ise kavramlaşarak edebiyat sahasında konu olarak işlenmeye başlanmıştır. Özellikle Câhiliyye döneminde toplumun sosyal ve edebî durumunu belirten bir kavram olan İtnâb; İzah, Atıf, Tekrar,İhtirâs, Tezyîl, Tetmîm,İtiraz,Tekidolmak üzere sekiz kısma ayrılmaktadır.
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