1. Aksu, Z., “Application of biosorption for the removal of organic pollutants : a review”, Process Biochemistry, Cilt 40, 997-1026, 2005.
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4. Arora, S., Saini, S.H., Singh, K., “Decolorisation of a monoazo disperse dye with Candida tropicalis”, Coloration Technology, Cilt 121, 298-303, 2005.
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6. Aksu, Z., “Reactive dye bioaccumulation by Saccharomyces cerevisiae”, Process Biochemistry, Cilt 38, 1437-1444, 2003.
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8. Jain, R., Gupta, V.K., Sikarwa, S., “Adsorption and desorption studies on hazardous dye Naphthol Yellow S”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Cilt 182, 749-756, 2010.
9. Arami, M., Limaee, N.Y., Mahmoodi,N.M., Tabrizi, N.S., “Equilibrium and kinetics studies for the adsorption of direct and acid dyes from aqueous solution by soy meal hull”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Cilt 135, 171-179, 2006.
10. Osma, J.F., Saravia, V., Toca-Herrera, J.L., Couto, S.R., “ Sunflower seed shells: A novel and effective low-cost adsorbent for the removal
Tablo 3. Boyarmadde adsorpsiyonu için Pseudo ikinci derece model sabitleri (Constants for Pseudo second order model for dye adsorption)
Ayçiçeği kabukları
Reaktif Black 5 (anyonik)
Yumurta kabukları
Reaktif Red 198 (anyonik)
Hindistan cevizi lifi aktif karbonu
Congo Red (anyonik)
Posedonia oceanica
Yellow 59 (anyonik)
Portakal kabukları
Direk Red 23 (anyonik)
Direk Red 80 (anyonik)
Yumurta kabukları
AV90 (anyonik)
AY194 (anyonik)
Bu çalışma
Tekstil Atıksularındaki Metal Kompleks Boyarmaddelerin Yumurta Kabukları İle Giderimi M. Okur
Gazi Üniv. Müh. Mim. Fak. Der. Cilt 28, No 4, 2013 785
of the diazo dye Reactive Black 5 from aqueous solutions”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Cilt 147, 900-905, 2007.
11. Gong,R., Jin,Y.,Chen,J., Hu,Y., Sun, J., “Removal of basic dyes from aqueous solution by sorption on phosphoric acid modified rice straw”, Dyes and Pigments, Cilt 73, 332-337, 2007.
12. Vijaykumar, M.H., Veeranagouda, Y., Neelakanteshwar, K., Karegoudar,T.B., “ decolorization of 1:2 metal complex dye Acid blue 193 by a newly isolated fungus, Cladosporium cladosporioides”, World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, Cilt 22, 157-162, 2006.
13. Yang, Q., Yang, M., Pritsch, K., Yediler, A., Hagn, A., Schloter, M., Kettrup,A., “Decolorization of synthetic dyes and production of manganese-dependent peroxidase by new fungal isolates”, Biotechnology Letter, Cilt 25, 709-713, 2003.
14. Dönmez, G., “Bioaccumulation of the reactive textile dyes by Candida tropicalis growing in molasses medium”, Enzyme and Microbial Technology, Cilt 30, 363-366, 2002.
15. Meehan, C., Banat, I.M., McMullan, G., Nigam, P., Smyth, F., Marchant, R., “Decolorization of Remazol Black-B using thermotolerant yeast, Kluyveromyces marxianus IMB3”, Environment International, Cilt 26, 75-79, 2000.
16. Bulut, Y., Gözübenli, N., Aydın, H., “Equilibrium and kinetics studies for adsorption of direct blue 71 from aqueous solution by wheat shells”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Cilt 144, 300-306, 2007.
17. Tsai, W.T., Hsien, K.J., Hsu, H.C., Lin, C.M., Lin, K.Y., Chiu, C.H., “Utilization of ground eggshell waste as an adsorbent for the removal of dyes from aqueous solution”, Bioresource Technology, Cilt 99, 1623-1629, 2008.
18. Guezguez, I., Dridi-Dhaouadi, S., Mhenni, F., “Sorption of Yellow 59 on Posidonia oceanica,a non-conventional biosorbent: Comparison with activated carbons”, Industrial Crops and Products, Cilt 29, 197-204, 2009.
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21. Sivaraj, R., Namasivayam, C., Kadirvelu, K., “Orange peel as an adsorbent in the removal of Acid violet 17 (acid dye) from aqueous solutions”, Waste Management, Cilt 21, 105-110, 2001.
22. Ardejani, F.D., Badii, K., Limaee, N.Y., Mahmoodi, N.M., Arami, M., Shafaei, S.Z., Mirhabibi, A.R., “Numerical modelling and laboratory studies on the removal of Direct Red 23 and Direct Red 80 dyes from textile effluents using orange peel, a low cost adsorbent”, Dyes and Pigments, Cilt 73, 178-185, 2007.
23. Elkady, M.F., Ibrahim, A.M., Abd El-Latif, M.M., “Assessment of the adsorption kinetics, equilibrium and thermodynamics fort he potential removal of reactive red dye using eggshell biocomposite beads”, Desalination, Cilt 278, 412-423, 2011.
24. Vijayaraghavan, K., Jegan, J., Palanivelu, K., Velan, M., “Removal ad recovery of copper from aqueous solution by eggshell in a packed column”, Minerals Engineering, Cilt 18, 545-547, 2005.
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27. Namasivayam, C., Kavitha, D., “Removal of Congo Red from water by adsorption onto activated carbon prepared from coir pith, an agricultural solid waste”, Dyes and Pigments, Cilt 54, 47-58, 2002.
28. Kaya, N., Yücel, A.T., Konkan, A., Mocur, D., Gültekin, M., “Ceviz kabuğu ve fındık kabuğu kullanılarak sulu çözeltilerden dispers azo boyaların giderimi”, J. Fac. Eng. Archit. Gazi Univ., Cilt 26, 509-514, 2011.
29. Aksu, Z., Tezer, S., “Biosorption of reactive dyes on the green alga Chlorella vulgaris”, Process Biochemistry, Cilt 40, 1347-1361, 2005.
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