Determination of Optimal Crop Pattern for the Irrigation Project Area of Demirdöven
Journal Name:
- Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi
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Abstract (2. Language):
This study was carried out to determine optimal crop pattern in sustainable irrigation project area
of 8328 hectare in the Demirdöven Irrigation Project Area for the arid, normal and rainy years by taking into
consideration seasonal water requirements, irrigation area size, water sources, maximum or minimum
cropped area sizes and total and net income per unit area by using a linear programming method. In order to
determine optimal crop pattern, QSBWIN packed program was used. According to result of this study, the
crop pattern resulting in the highest income values were determined as the forage crops of 32,94%, cereal
grains of 25%, industrial crops of 25%, cabbage of 2% and vegetable garden of 5,06% for the arid years.
These values for the normal year was determined as forage crops of 37,39%, cereal grains of 25%, industrial
crops of 25,61%, cabbage of 4% and vegetable garden of 8% and rainy year was determined as forage crops
of 43%, cereal grains of 16,59%, industrial crops of 28,41%, cabbage of 4% and vegetable garden of 8%
respectively. Sustainable plantable area was determined as the level of 90% for arid year.
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Abstract (Original Language):
Bu arastırmada Demirdöven sulama sebekesinde sulamaya açılmıs olan 8328 hektarlık alanda
yetistirilen bitkilerin mevsimlik su gereksinimleri, sulama alanı büyüklügü, su kaynagı, bitkilerin
ekilebilecekleri maksimum ve minimum alan büyüklükleri, birim alan için toplam ve net gelir miktarları göz
önüne alınarak, dogrusal programlama yöntemiyle kurak, normal ve yagıslı yıllara iliskin optimum bitki
deseni belirlenmistir. Dogrusal programlamada QSBWIN paket programı kullanılmıstır. En yüksek geliri
saglayan bitki deseni kurak yıl için %32,94 yem bitkileri, %25 hububat, %25 endüstri bitkileri, %2 lahana,
%5,06 bostan; normal yıl için %37,39 yem bitkileri, %25 hububat, %25,61 endüstri bitkileri, %4 lahana, %8
bostan; ve yagıslı yıl için %43 yem bitkileri, %16,59 hububat, %28,41 endüstri bitkileri, %4 lahana ve %8
bostan olarak belirlenmistir. Kurak yılda ekilebilir alan oranı %90 düzeyinde kalmıstır.
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