
Career Aspiration Among Management Students

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Career aspirations are simply the goals you've set out to achieve in either your current profession, or your desired profession. The main objective of the study is to find the Career Aspiration among management Students. A sample of 300 management students (150 males, and 150 females) were selected from different colleges in Kerala. The sample was selected by using stratified sampling technique. The study made use of the tool “Career Aspiration Scale”, to collect data regarding career aspiration. Personal data schedule was used to collect information of the subject's sex, age, and specialization. The study derived that, there is significant difference between the males and females in their career aspiration. There is no significant difference between the students in the different age groups, and there weren't any significant difference among the students categorized on the basis of their specialization. Career Aspiration is an inevitable fact especially in the management educational settings. Most of the management educational programmes are aimed at enhancing the career aspiration of the students.



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