
Effect Of Calcium Chloride On Growth And Biochemical Changes Of Black Gram (vigna Mungo L .) Under Salt Stress

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Abstract (2. Language): 
The present study was aimed to observed the ameliorative effect of Ca2+ on the seedling growth of mung bean under salinity stress. Seedlings were exposed to various concentrations of CaCl and NaCl separately and 2 standard concentrations were selected based on the growth. The experiments were carried out in the seedlings exposed to 75 mM NaCl, 10 mM CaCl treatments along with the combination of 10 mM CaCl and 75 mM NaCl. 2 2 The control was maintain with distilled water. Experiments were carried out in two days interval upto 8th day from the transfer of seedlings to treatments. The seedlings exposed to 75 mM NaCl concentration showed slow growth (both shoot and root length) when compare to other treatments. Biomass production and Relative Water Content was found to be higher in CaCl treated seedlings. The seedlings under salt stress maintained less proteins and 2 nucleic acids than that of CaCl and water and combination of NaCl with CaCl . The experimental results indicate 2 2 that the CaCl ameliorate the effect of NaCl stress by maintaining the Relative Water Content , protein and nucleic 2 acids. Seedlings were treated with solutions of 75 mM NaCl, 10 mM CaCl and the combination of 75 mM NaCl 2 with 10 mM CaCl during seedling growth from 2nd to 8th day after transferring at interval of 2 days. The growth and 2 biochemical parameters include changes in the protein, DNA and RNA contents were studied in the seedlings.



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