
Knowledge Of E-waste Among Young Adults

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Electronic Waste is simply known as “e-waste”. Electronic waste is term used to describe old, end of life electronic appliances, such as- computer VCRs, DVD players, mobile phones, fax machines laptops, mp3 players etc. which have been disposed by their original users. E-waste contains hazardous constituent that may negatively impact the environment and affect human health if not properly managed. It has been observed that in most of the cases, electronic items are stored unattended because of lack of knowledge about their management. The main aim of this study was to assess knowledge of young adults towards e-waste. A total of 120 respondents (60 from semi urban) were selected from Lucknow city .The data were collected using a self made administered interview schedule along with knowledge scale. The data was coded, tabulated and analyzed to test the frequency, percentage, t-test, and anova and coefficient correlation by using SPSS (version 20). The findings of the study revealed that respondents of semi urban area were having more knowledge than respondents of urban area



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