
William Wordsworth, P.b. Shelley And Hardy's Attitude To Nature

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Abstract (Original Language): 
William Wordsworth is a mystic poet. He is a great worshipper of Nature. He believes that Nature has its own soul and own spirit. Wordsworth always perceives the presence of God in Nature. P.B. Shelley is a revolutionary poet. He is always having optimistic inspiration. His poetry reveals world of joy, love and hope. Shelley's poetry is all alive with loneliness in man and nature. John Keats and a few great Pre-Raphaelite poets only observe and feel the beauties of nature. For them a thing of beauty is a joy forever. But nature plays a great role in Hardy's novels. Hardy believes that nature has its own beautiful aspects as well as nature has other aspects too like cruelty, indifference and caprice. Not as a background, but as an actor in the play, Nature is always present in the story of the novels of Hardy and also plays a great role in the lives of the heroes and heroines of Hardy's novels. Thus, herein this paper, a comparative study of a few romantic poets and Hardy's attitude to Nature has been done.



1. Baker, E.A.: History of English Novel (12 Vols.), 1924
2. Beach, Joseph Warren: The Techniques of Thomas Hardy,
3. Cecil, David: Hardy, The Novelist, 1990
4. Crompton-Rickett, Arthur: A History of English Literature
(UBSPD- UBS Publishers), 1998
5. Daiches, David : A Critical History of English Literature,
6. Duffin, H.C.: Thomas Hardy (Delhi, Doaba House
Publishers), 1993
7. Ghent, Dorothy Ven: The English Novel: Form And
Function, 1953

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