The effects of infectious disease consultations on antibiotic use, resistance and cost
Journal Name:
- Gülhane Tıp Dergisi
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This study was performed to demonstrate the effects of
infectious disease consultations on the incidence and resistance rates of nosocomial infection agents, antibiotic use,
resistance and cost. The consultation services, which were
carried out by the specialists of infectious diseases at
Gülhane Military Medical Academy and Ankara Military
Hospital in Ankara, between 2003 and 2005 were included in
study prospectively and retrospectively, respectively. The
changes in resistance rates of frequently observed nosocomial infection agents isolated from patients hospitalized at
the Education Hospital of Gülhane Military Medical Academy
against some antibiotics were studied, and the cost was calculated using the data of the Hospital Infection Control
Committee. Results of the study have revealed that demand
of infectious diseases consultation is increasing gradually,
and resistance rates in microorganisms have become prone
to decline because of the resultant appropriate use of the
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Abstract (Original Language):
Bu çalýþma enfeksiyon hastalýklarý uzmaný konsültasyonlarýnýn, hastane enfeksiyonu ajanlarýnýn direnç oranlarý,
görülme sýklýðý, antibiyotik kullanýmý ve maliyeti üzerine
etkilerini ortaya koymak amacýyla yapýldý. GATA Eðitim
Hastanesi ve Ankara Asker Hastanesinde enfeksiyon
hastalýklarý uzmanlarý tarafýndan, 2003 ile 2005 tarihleri
arasýndaki dönemde yapýlmýþ olan konsültasyonlar GATA
Eðitim Hastanesinde prospektif, Ankara Asker Hastanesinde
retrospektif olarak irdelenmiþtir. GATA Eðitim Hastanesinde
yatan hastalarýn kültürlerinden izole edilen ve sýk görülen
hastane enfeksiyon etkenlerinin, bazý antibiyotiklere karþý
olan direnç oranlarýndaki deðiþiklikler araþtýrýlmýþ ve hastane enfeksiyon kontrol komitesi verileri kullanýlarak
maliyet hesaplanmýþtýr. Çalýþma sonucunda, enfeksiyon
hastalýklarý konsültasyon istek oranlarýnýn giderek arttýðý ve
böylece uygun antibiyotik kullanýmý sayesinde mikroorganizmalardaki direnç oranlarýnýn genel olarak düþme eðilimine girdiði gözlenmiþtir.
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