Results of our patients with sarcoidosis
Journal Name:
- Gülhane Tıp Dergisi
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Abstract (2. Language):
A total of 34 patients with sarcoidosis diagnosed and followed-up between
2002 and 2007 were retrospectively investigated. Of the patients 9 (26.4%)
were female and 25 (73.5%) were male. The most common complaints
were dyspnea (58.8%), cough (47.1%) and chest pain (29%). Of all the
patients 8 (23.5%) were in stage I, 23 (67.6%) in stage II and 3 (8.8%) in
stage III. Eighteen patients (52.9%), 9 patients (26.4%), 4 patients (11.7%),
2 patients (5.8%) and one patient (2.9%) were diagnosed with transbronchial lung biopsy, mediastinoscopy and lymph node biopsy, transbronchial
needle aspiration biopsy, open lung biopsy, and clinically, respectively. Erythema nodosum in 4 patients (11.7%), nephrolithiasis in 3 patients (8.82%),
liver involvement in 1 patient (2.94%) and ocular involvement in 1 patient
(2.94%) were detected as extrapulmoner manifestations. Atypical parenchymal radiological findings were detected in 6 (17.6%) of the patients, and
the indication of systemic steroid treatment was determined in 18 (52.9%)
of the patients. Our results in patients with sarcoidosis were in accordance with the literature findings, most of the patients were diagnosed with
transbronchial lung biopsy and mediastinoscopy, and atypical radiological
findings were detected in a significant extent.
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Abstract (Original Language):
Sarkoidoz tanısı konarak 2002 ile 2007 yılları arasında izlenen 34 hasta
retrospektif olarak incelendi. Hastaların 9’u kadın (%26.4), 25’i erkekti
(%73.5). En sık şikayetler ise nefes darlığı (%58.8), öksürük (%47.1) ve
göğüs ağrısıydı (%29). Hastaların 8’i (%23.5) evre I, 23’ü (%67.6) evre
II, 3’ü (%8.8) evre III olarak değerlendirildiler. On sekiz (%52.9) hastaya
transbronşiyal akciğer biyopsisi, 9 (%26.4) hastaya mediyastinoskopi ve
lenf nodu biyopsisi, 4 (%11.7) hastaya transbronşiyal iğne aspirasyon biyopsisi, 2 (%5.8) hastaya açık akciğer biyopsisi ve 1 (%2.9) hastaya klinik
olarak tanı konmuştu. Ekstrapulmoner tutulum olarak 4 hastada eritema
nodozum (%11.7), 3 hastada nefrolitiyazis (%8.82), 1 hastada karaciğer
tutulumu (%2.94) ve 1 hastada göz tutulumu (%2.94) tespit edildi. Hastaların 6’sında (%17.6) atipik parankimal radyolojik bulgu tespit edildi ve
toplam 18 hastada (%52.9) sistemik steroid tedavisi endikasyonu saptandı.
Sarkoidozlu hasta sonuçlarımız literatür bilgileri ile uyumlu bulunmuş olup,
olguların büyük kısmına transbronşiyal akciğer biyopsisi ve mediyastinoskopi ile tanı konmuştur ve önemli bir oranda da atipik radyolojik bulgular
tespit edilmiştir.
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