
The aim of the courses of "oral composition" or "oral communication" in a foreign language at the university level: Techniques and expectationsD EXPECTATıONS

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Ltd. 1976.
Burna David G. B. Bruce> Wagener, Integrattng Communication;
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Capp, Glenn R Bacts Oral Communication, Prentice Hail, Inc. Englewood
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(33) Larsen, p. 57
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Girard Deniş, Linguistics and foreign Language Teaching, translated by RJi. Close, Printed in Hong Kong by Commonwealth Printlng Press Ud. Longman Group Ltd. Cû. 1972
Örinder John T. Elgin Şuzette Haden, Guide to Transformational Crammar (History Theory, Practiçe), Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc. U.SA 1973
Larsen-Preeman Diane, Techniaues and Prlnciples in Language Teaching, Oxford Universiry Press Inc. New York, 1986
Liles Bruce' L. An Introduction to Linğuistics, Prentice Hail, Inc. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1975.
Martlnich A.P. Communication and Reference, Printed by Walter de Gruyter and Co. Berlin, 1984.
Minnick Wayne, Public Speaking, Houghton Mlfflin Company, Boston, 1979 '
Palmer Frank, Crammar, Penguin Books Ltd. Printed in Greât Britain by Hazell Watson and Viney Ltd. 1973
Robins RH. General Linguistics: An Introductory Survey, Longman Group Ltd. London, 1971.
Willis Jane, Teaching English Through English: A Course in Classroom Language and Techniaues, Longman Handbooks for Language Teachers, Printed in Horig Kong by Sing Cheong Printlng Co. Ltd. Longman Group Ltd. 1981.
The Foreign Language Learning Process: AN Occasional Paper, ETIC Publicatlons; The Brltish Council English Teaching Information Center. Produced, İn England by the Brltish Council, Printlng and publishing Department, London, 1978

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