

Journal Name:

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33 - 50



1 .Güller. Jonathan. "Jacques Dtırrida." Stntr^imltsmvnd Since: From Levi-Strauss to Derrida. Ed. John Sturrock. Qxförd. NewYork: OrfbrdUP, 1081.154 -179.
2 On Deconstruction: Theory and Criticism after
StructuraUsm. NeW York: Cornell UP, .1982.
3. Derrida, Jaoaues. Of Orammatoiogy. Trans. Gayatri Sprvak. Baltimore: The John Hopkins UP. 1976.
4. "Differance." CrtticalTheory Since 1965. Ed. Ha-
zard Adam» and Leroy Searle. Tallahassee : Florida State UP, 1986. 120-136.
5 "Structure, Sign and Play to the Discourse of the
Human Sciences." Crtncal Theory Since 2965. Tallahassee : Florida State UP, 1986.83-94.
6. Harvey, irene. 'The Wellsprings of Deconstruction." Tractng Literary
Theory. Ed. Joseph Natoli. Chicago : U of Illinois P, 1987. 127-148.
7. Johnson, Barbara. The Cn^fcal D^r»ıce; Essays öt the
temporary Rhetoric of Reading. London: The John Hopkins UP. 1985.
8. Leitch, B. Vineent. "T^econstructive Criticism." Aınerican Ltte-
rary Criticism From the Thirttes to the Eighties. New York: Columbia UP. 1988L 267-302,
9. Logan. Marie * Rose. "Deconstruction: Beyond and Back. Res-
ponse to Eugcnlo Donato, 'Hlstortcal İmaglnation and the Idlom of Criticism" Boundary 2: The Probiems of Reading Ccntemporary American CriMcism. Ed. WÜllam V. Spanos. PaulA.Bove. Danlel OHara. 8.1. (FaU 1979). 57-62.
10. Mehille, Hennan, JWy Budd. A Concise Anthology of American
Literatüre. Ed. George Mc Michael. New York: Macmlllan PubllshlngCo.. 1985. 614-667
11. Norris, Christopher. Deconstruction : Theory and Praetice.
1982. London: Methuen. 1988/
12 „ The Deconstructive Turn: EssaysiniheRhetoricof
Phüosopny. 1983. London, New York: Routtedge, 1989.
13. Tallack, Douglas. "Deconstruction: Henry James, Inthe Cage."
Literary Theory dt Work: Three T&ds. Ed. Douglas Tallack. London:BTBâtsford «d. 1987.159-179.
14. Wood, D. C. "An Introduction to Derrida." RoJİicalPMosophy.
21. (Spring 1979). 18-28,

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