
American humor

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Abstract (2. Language): 
BERGSON, Henri. "Laughter" in Comedy. New York Doubleday and Company Inc., 1956. BLAIR, Waher. Natlve American Humor. 1937.. rpt. San Fransisco: Chandler Publishing Company Inc., 1960. 31 Weber. p/408. 31 BLAIR, Walter and Hatanla Hflt. America's Humo+slito»York: OxfordUP, 1978. BOATRIGHT, Mody C. Folk Laughter on the American Frontier. 1942., rptNew York: C^lHer Books, 1961. BRIGGS. Peter. "English Satire and Cormecücut Wtt" in American iftınujr. ed. Armur Pw pp. 3-23. COHEN, Hennig. "A Comic Mode of the Romantlc Tnıagination: Poe, Hawthorne, Melviîle" in The Comic Imagtnation in American Literatüre, ed. Louis D. Rubin Jr/ New Jersey: RutgersUP. 1973, pp. 85-100. COHEN, Saran Blacher. The~ Comlc Reiief. Urbana: University of Illinois Press. 1979. HAUCK, Richard Boyd. A CheerM NihİUsm. Bloomington: IndlanaUP. 1971. "Humor". The IruternattoruM Thesaımıs of Quotatkmş. 1983 ed. "Humour. Humor". Oxford Irtiemational Dicttonary. 1958 ed. POE, Edgar Allan. The Complete[ Poems and Stories. New York Alfred A. Knppf. 1967. Vol. I. ROURKE, Constance. American Humar. New York Doubleday, 1931. TWAIN. Mark. "The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County" in The Complete Humorous Sketches andTules.ed. Charles Neider. New York: Doubleday, 1961. Rougtanglt2vols. 1871.. rpt New York Harper and Row. 1913. , f WEBER, Brom, ed. An Anthoİogy of American Humor. NewYork; Thomas Y. Crowell Company. 1962. YATES. Norris W. The American Humorist Ames, Iowa : Iowa State UP. 1964.