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Abstract (2. Language): 
Motor skill intervention to the children in the physical education classes as early as during the pre-school periods may help to develop children’s fundamental movement skills progressively. The purpose of the study is to investigate the effect of 8-weeks training program for locomotor skill development on children who is deaf with developmental movement model. Nine pre schools (4 girls–5 boys) children who are deaf have participated to the study. Their hearing loss was 90-110 dB. In order to measure locoolmayımotor skill (walking, running, skipping, hopping, horizontal jump, vertical jump, gallop, slide step), a control list for all skills was prepared and implemented. Task analysis for eight skills was formed. Children’s locomotor skill was recorded by camcorder before and after the implementation and was compared with every items of the control list. During the analysis of the data, “wilcoxon test” was used at dependent groups. Intraobserver reliability (test retest reliability) was calculated R =.720-.970. Interobserver reliability (Variance of Analysis) was calculated R =.750-.960. Findings indicated that 8-weeks program that was designed for pre-school, developed locomotor movements of hearing impaired pre-school children. missions, the researchers went to the universities and asked to fill to students the test. Descriptive statistics, One-Way and Two-Way Analysis of Variances were used for all data analyses. Mean score of the critical thinking test was 55.85 ±7.02 for students attending at PETTP. This score suggests that the level of critical thinking skills of students is average. The variance analysis yielded a significant effect for grade level at total test scores (p <.05). It was found that students’critical thinking skill scores were higher at second, third and fourth grade levels than students’ at first grade level. There were no significant differences among students’ critical thinking skill scores according to gender and the score types of university entrance exam (p >.05). In conclusion, students attending physical education teacher training programs should have high level critical thinking skills by the time they graduate. So, this programs should be arranged to foster critical thinking skills.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Temel hareketlerin okul öncesi dönemden başlayarak beden eğitimi derslerinde işlenmesi çocukların temel becerilerinin basamaklı olarak geliştirilmesine izin verecektir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, işitme engeli olan okul öncesi çocuklarda, Hareket Eğitim Modelinin 8 haftalık yer değiştirme hareketleri üzerine etkisini incelemektir. Çalışmaya, işitme engelliler okulu ana sınıfı 5 yaş grubundan toplam 9 öğrenci (4 kız, 5 erkek) katılmıştır. Çocukların işitme kayıpları (90 dB -110 dB) arasındadır. Çocukların yer değiştirme hareketlerindeki (yürüme, koşma, adım al sek, sekme, yatay sıçrama, dikey sıçrama, gallop, kayma adımı) nitel performanslarını ölçmek için her bir hareketin beceri analizini çıkaran bir kontrol listesi hazırlanmış ve uygulanmıştır. Çocukların uygulama öncesi ve sonrası yer değiştirme hareketleri tek tek videoya kaydedilmiş ve kontrol listelerindeki her bir madde ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Hakemler içi (test-tekrar test) R =.720–.970 ve hakemler arası (varyans analizi) R =.750–.960 hesaplanmıştır. Verilerin analizinde “Wilcoxon Eşleştirilmiş İki Örnek Testi” uygulanmıştır. Bulgular, okul öncesi için tasarlanan 8 haftalık programın, okul öncesi işitme engeli olan çocukların yer değiştirme hareketlerini geliştirebileceğini göstermiştir.



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