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Abstract (2. Language): 
The Prophet Muhammad as Person who Reads Body Language of Others In this study, it is dealt with the body language - also mentioning its relation with manifesto mission - in perspective of that the Prophet Muhammad reads it and that body language belonging to others reflects to the Prophet Muhammed. Afterwards it is tried to examine the certain motivations directed towards the companions by the the Prophet Muhammed about body language. While the Prophet Muhammad was communicating entrusted message to the people, his personal impressions that he obtained from his persons addressed were always as director while studing to assign their interests, desires, priorities, necessities, intentions and spiritual situations turns to these impressions frequently. Consequently it is deduced that he designated his strategy according to these. From this point of it is attracted attention that the influence is a result of a correct communication. It was connected with between the point that the Prophet Muhammad had conveyed his teachings during the 23 years and his successes in the communication establishment. While evaluating negativities that experience concerning exposition at the our present time, it is stressed that the subject must be reviewed in point of the hierarchy mentioned above.