
The Effect Of Various Polishing Systems On Surface Roughness Of Nano and Microhybrid Composite Restoratives : An In Vitro Surface Profilometric Study

The Effect Of Various Polishing Systems On Surface Roughness Of Nano and Microhybrid Composite Restoratives : An In Vitro Surface Profilometric Study

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Introduction: The smoothness of the restorative material’s surfaces have a great importance in the success and clinical longevity of the restorations. Material & Methods: A total of 120 acrylic blocks with a recess of 2mm x 3mm x 3mm dimension were made using a custom made stainless steel template.(Figure 1) Of them, 60 specimens were of (microhybrid composite) and 60 were of (nano composite) . Results & Conclusion : From present study we were concluded Nanofilled composites (Supreme XT) showed better polish ability when compared with microhybrid composites ( Filtex Z-250) with Mylar strip provide the smoothest surface finish for both supreme XT and Filtek Z-250.



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Date of manuscript submission: 22 December 2011
Date of initial approval: 08 February 2012
Date of Peer review approval: 20 April 2012
Date of final draft preparation: 28 May 2012
Date of Publication: 9 June 2012
Conflict of Interest: Nil, Source of Support: Nil.

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