
Comparison of Mechanical Properties of Base Metals Dental Casting alloys used for fixed Prosthodontics

Comparison of Mechanical Properties of Base Metals Dental Casting alloys used for fixed Prosthodontics

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Study Background: Nowadays number of base metal alloys is commercially available and many more developed on an experimental basis. In view of new developments it is important that different materials are assessed for desirable properties and compared. Materials and Method: Six set of specimens were made for each alloy (ECODURP, MAARC & SUPERCHROME-SC). The specimens were in “as cast” condition. The gauge length of the specimen was kept 15mm and diameter of 3mm was given according to ADA sp.14. A square block 2cm x 2cm in dimension was prepared for testing hardness of the alloy. Observations & Results: The value of modulus of elasticity of SUPERCHROME-SC was significantly highest of all the three alloys indicating that it was the stiffest of the three alloys, which is a good characteristic for a dental casting alloy. The hardness of SUPERCHROME-SC was incomparably close (p>0.05) to the other two commercially available alloys and in the range as per the ADA requirements indicating that the materials was quite hard and was resistant to scratching. Conclusion: From present study, it can be concluded that the values of tensile strength and yield strength of SUPERCHROMESC (experimental alloy) are significantly higher than the commercially available and widely used alloy i.e. MAARC.