
Prevalence of metabolic syndrome among Sudanese women’s relatives

Prevalence of metabolic syndrome among Sudanese women’s relatives

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Introduction: A total of 200 apparently healthy adult Sudanese females aged 40-50 years were invited to participate in this study. Materials &Methods: Participants were classified into two groups, non-obese, and obese (BMI-C:< 25 and >30kg/m2) based on WHO,1997. At (P<0.05) Diabetes mellitus, hypertension and obesity were recorded among obese women’s relatives more than non-obese ones. Chi test value were (0.030, 0.01, 0.00) respectively. While, cardiovascular diseases and sudden death, revealed no significant differences between participants relatives. Results& conclusion: Chi test values were (0.08, 0.07) respectively. Obese women have greater relatives with metabolic syndrome. So this genetic factor should be taken in consideration during their life span and routine biochemical investigation should be introduced in order to control diseases silent stage. Prevention of obesity is also advisable.



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