
Prevalence of Metallo-betalactamases (MBL) producing Pseudomonas aeruginosa in a Tertiary care Hospital

Prevalence of Metallo-betalactamases (MBL) producing Pseudomonas aeruginosa in a Tertiary care Hospital

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Introduction: Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates are responsible for outbreaks of nosocomial infection in different parts of the world. These isolates have also been responsible for serious infections such as septicemia and pneumonia. MBL production is significant problem in hospital isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. P aeruginosa is a pathogen associated with numerous nosocomial infections in immunocompromised patients .The present study was conducted at our hospital with an aim to know the prevalence of Carbapenem resistance & production of metallo-betalactamases producing strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in our hospital. Material & Method: This study was conducted at our hospital during April 2010 to October 2011.Total 116 strain of Pseudomonas isolated from different samples like pus, swab, Urine, ET secretion etc were evaluated for Carbapenems resistance & MBL production. Various methods has been recommended for screening MBL producing strain like modified Hodge test, EDTA impregnated Imipenem disk & EDTA impregnated Meropenem disk, disk potentiation test with EDTA.We use disk potentiation test with EDTA impregnated Imipenem disk in this study. Conclusion: In our study out of 116 isolates 20(17.2%) isolates are resistant to imipenem & Meropenem. We have confirmed 14(12%) isolates are MBL producers by disk potentiation test. In India prevalence of MBLs range from 7 – 65% with a recent study reporting 34% occurrence. The early detection of MBL producing P aeruginosa may help in appropriate antimicrobial therapy and avoid the development & dissemination of these multidrug resistance strains. So all isolates of P aeruginosa resistant to imipenem should be screened for MBL production. Combined disk diffusion or disk potentiation test should be introduced in every clinical microbiology laboratory in order to aid infection control.



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