
Prevalence and trends of obesity in Indian school children of different socioeconomic class

Prevalence and trends of obesity in Indian school children of different socioeconomic class

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Introduction: Childhood obesity with all its adverse health consequences is growing at a fast rate in developing countries due to changing life style as a result of rapid urbanization and mechanization. Identification of obese status early during childhood has substantial health benefits to the children and to the country. Present study aimed to assess prevalence of obesity amongst children of different socioeconomic class. Methods: A survey was conducted in randomly selected 2158 (1038boys & 1120girls) school children from government and private schools. Anthropometric measurements were taken using standard protocol. Obesity was assessed using Body Mass Index (BMI) criteria, those having their BMI>95th percentile for age and sex were considered obese. To study the effect of social class subjects were classified into upper middle and lower socioeconomic class on the basis of modified kuppuswami scale. Results: The overall prevalence of obesity was found to be 14.97% (6.817% Boys 8.16% Girls). Higher values of mean weight, height, BMI and blood pressure was found in obese children as compared to non obese. A highly significant relationship was observed for SBP and BMI (p<.0001) between obese and non-obese groups. Prevalence of obesity was found significantly higher in children belonging to higher class (35%) as compared to lower (13%) and middle class (15.7%) (Chi-square value 9.748; & p< .001). Conclusion: Prevalence of obesity is on rise in Indian children, highlighting the possible role of change in the dietary pattern and physical activities with increase in income levels. Collective effort of parents and schools are required to institute early preventive measures to reduce mar ch towards obesity and its future complications.