
A Study of Distribution of Hair on the Phalanges of Toes in Andhra Pradesh

A Study of Distribution of Hair on the Phalanges of Toes in Andhra Pradesh

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Introduction: Distribution of hair on the phalanges of hands and toes is of anthropological interest. Hair variants are genetically determined. The present study was planned to observe the pattern of hair distribution on the phalanges of toes in Andhra Pradesh using a sample population. Materials and methods: 700 individuals aged between 18-35 years were randomly selected for the study. The pattern and frequency of hair distribution on the proximal, middle and distal phalanges were studied. Observations were categorized into gender and phalangeal hair patterns. Observations: Results showed that the proximal phalangeal hair is present in 95% males and 91.1% females. The most common pattern of hair distribution on proximal phalanges is 1-2-3-4-5. Middle phalageal hair is present in 8% individuals. The most common pattern of hair on middle phalanges is 2-3. Hair is absent on distal phalanges. Conclusion: The study has anthropological significance in dividing the race, nationalism and sex. Hence it has Medico legal importance too.



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