
“Effectiveness of Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Group India (DIPSI) Diagnostic Criterion in Detecting Gestational Diabetes Mellitus – a Pilot Study in a Rural Population.”

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Background: Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) increases the risk of adverse maternal and neonatal outcome if untreated. Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Group India (DIPSI) has recommended a modified 75 g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) to diagnose GDM. There are very few studies on the effectiveness of the DIPSI recommended OGTT in diagnosing GDM. The present study was planned to assess the effectiveness of DIPSI recommended OGTT in diagnosing GDM. Materials and Methods: 200 healthy pregnant women from a rural population attending the antenatal clinic of a teaching hospital at Chinnaoutapalli underwent the DIPSI recommended 75 g OGTT between 24-28 weeks of pregnancy. Three days later all of them were made to undergo the American Diabetic Association (ADA) recommended 75 g OGTT. Results: Of the 200 women 22 had an abnormal 75 g OGTT. Out of the 22 women only 5 had an abnormal ADA recommended OGTT value. Seventeen of the women were wrongly categorised as GDM based on the DIPSI criteria. The 2 hr plasma glucose value in the non GDM group was 105±18mg/dl and in the GDM group was 162±24.3 mg/dl (‘p’ value <0.0001). Conclusion: Our study has demonstrated that the DIPSI recommended 75 g OGTT was able to accurately detect GDM and has a higher sensitivity when compared to the 50 g OGCT though the specificity is almost the same. Further studies are needed to determine the effect of the timing of the OGTT on the plasma glucose value, in order to reduce the false positives.



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Ante partum characteristics Non
GDM women p value
Age in years 22.8±2.5 22.7±3.5 >0.05 NS
Weeks gestation at OGCT 24±2.5 24±2.9 >0.05 NS
Mean plasma glucose value after 75g OGCT in
105±18 162±24.3 <0.0001 HS
Birth weight of newborn in kg 2.79±0.3 2.71±0.3 >0.05 NS
Proportion of Lower Segment Caesarean
0.4 0.8
NS = nil significant, HS= highly significant, p = probability, OGCT= oral glucose challenge test.
‘p’ value <0.05 is considered significant
Test characteristics 75 g OGTT (DIPSI)
Specificity % 89
Sensitivity % 100
False positives % 1.6
Indian Journal of Basic & Applied Medical Research; March 2013: Issue-6, Vol.-2, P. 614-618
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