
Benign Mucinous cystadenoma of the ovary in perimenarchal girl: Case report

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Abstract (2. Language): 
It has been estimated that ovarian lesions make up 1.5% of all childhood malignancies. A small proportion of ovarian tumors in children (approximately 15% - 20%) are derived from the ovarian epithelium. Such epithelial ovarian tumors are commonly found in adults, but these tumors, including serous and mucinous types, are extremely rare in premenarchal girls. We reported case of 11-year-old premenarchal girl with symptoms of lump in abdomen, intermittent retention of urine and constipation since 1-2 months On Per abdomen examination a single smooth surface cystic mass arising from pelvis extending up to lower border of umbilicus 20=22weeks size pregnant uterus ,lower border not reached. CT SCAN shows E/o hypo attenuating well defined thin walled minimally enhancing lesion of approximate size 11cm×7cm×13cm seen arising from pelvis and is superolateral to fundus of uterus and urinary bladder . Patient was posted for exploratory laparotomy with provisional diagnosis of germ cell tumour. Intraopreative finding of left sided cystic ovarian mass of approximately 10cm ×9cm. Left ovary not visualised separately from mass. Left sided oopherectomy was done. Mass was removed and send for frozen section report came as mucinous cyst adenoma. Final histopathological report came as mucinous cyst adenoma



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