
Lipid Profile in Oral Submucous Fibrosis Patients in India -A Pilot Study

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Introduction: Oral Submucous fibrosis is seen predominantly in Indians who chew betel quid or its variants. The predominant age group affected is 20-40 years. This study is aimed to evaluate the plasma lipid profile in OSMF patients as the change in lipid levels may have a diagnostic and prognostic role in the potentially malignant lesions. Materials & Methods: A pilot study was conducted in 10 clinically diagnosed patients of OSMF . Fasting blood samples were collected in plain vials and there lipid profiles were analyzed in Sai Samarth diagnostic centre, Dombivli. Results: There lipid profile when compared with the normal standardized values showed a significant decrease in serum cholesterol, LDLC and LDLC/HDLC ratio, whereas HDLC was found to be raised in some patients in the study group as opposed to controls. Conclusion: To conclude, it appears that the lower serum lipid status may be considered as a useful indicator for initial changes occurring in the neoplastic cells



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