
Analytical study of written examination papers of undergraduate anatomy: Focus on it’s content validity.

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Background: The 'Question Paper' in the form of written examination forms the most important instrument of assessment. Content validity refers to the extent that a test actually measures the intended content area. Adequate coverage of the course content is necessary for the validity of assessment. The content of First professional M.B.B.S written examination of Anatomy was given in syllabus but the weightage of different subdivision of Anatomy is not mentioned. Present study was done to observe the content validity of different subdivisions of Anatomy in written examinations. It was the question paper analysis based study. Results: It is evident from the questions paper analysis that different subdivisions of Anatomy are usually not given proper weightage in the Anatomy written examinations. There are some subdivisions of Anatomy that are usually covered less than required. These include genetics, general Anatomy, histology and neuroanatomy. Some subdivisions of Anatomy remained uncovered in some question papers. For example, questions from Genetics were found in the question papers of only one session out of twenty sessions examined. Conclusion: Methods like test blueprinting and table of specifications should be used during test construction process for proper validation of our assessment system. By harmonizing course objectives with assessment content, educators can ensure a unified curriculum.



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