
Carrying angle of the Elbow: It’s Changes From Childhood to Adulthood : Morphometric Study in Eastern India.

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Introduction: It is important to know the carrying angles of both elbows in the evaluation of deformities around the joint which may guide the management protocol. This study was performed to determine the basal values of the clinical carrying angle in specific age groups and sexual variation in the eastern part of India and compare it with other studies. Methods: The study was conducted in R.G.Kar Medical College and a few schools in north Kolkata. We evaluated 360 persons with ages varying from 3 to 19 years distributed in groups. Carrying angle was measured by goniometer. Results: The average value of the carrying angle was 12.5 ±0.57 degrees in male and 15.26 ±0.45 degrees in females. Carrying angle increases with age and was more on the dominant side(right) in both sexes. Females had higher values than males except in 3-5yrs age group where carrying angle was greater in males. Conclusion: In the present study we have found that in early and late adolescent age group the mean of carrying angle are always higher in female than in male and more on the dominant side.



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