
Sigmoid Colon as a Content of inguinal Hernia: A Case report

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Inguinal hernia can be of two types - direct and indirect, of which indirect one is the commonest variety .This indirect variety of hernia is believed to be congenital in nature which is due to persistence of processus vaginalis - a peritoneal diverticulum in the lower part of the abdomen in foetal life. During routine dissection of abdomen for the M.B.B.S. students in the Bankura Sammilani Medical College, Bankura, West Bengal, India, a case of left sided indirect inguinal hernia was found in a male cadaver aged about 50 years, in the year 2005. The content of the hernial sac was a loop of sigmoid colon and part of sigmoid mesocolon which are rarely found as a content in the hernial sac. This case report may make the surgeons conscious about a rare content inside the sac of inguinal hernia, so that the complications of inguinal hernia can be avoided.



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