
A study of clinical manifestations of PCOS among obese and non- obese rural women

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Introduction: The present study was planned to determine the prevalence of various clinical manifestations in obese and nonobese PCOS women in rural population. Materials and methods : 100 consecutive PCOS women were divided in non- obese(BMI<23) and obese (BMI>23) groups .The prevalence of various clinical parameters like menstrual irregularities, clinical hyperandrogenism, android obesity, hypertension and other cutaneous manifestations like acanthosis nigricans, achrochordons were compared between the two groups. Results: There were 25% of PCOS women with normal BMI. The prevalence of android obesity was significantly high in obese group. The prevalence of menstrual irregularities, hirsutism, acne, androgenic alopecia, hypertension and pre hypertension were similar in both groups. Acanthosis nigricans, achrochordons and striae distensae were more prevalent in obese group. Conclusion: There were no major differences in clinical manifestations in obese and non- obese PCOS women probably indicating inherent insulin resistance in PCOS irrespective of BMI .The prevalence of obesity (30%) and over weight ( 45%) in rural women is of concern.



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