
Assessment of severity & types of anemia during pregnancy in rural population in western Maharashtra

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Background: Present study was designed to assess severity & type of anemia in rural area depending on hematological factors in Karad (Maharashtra). Methodology: 150 pregnant women visiting at obstretic gynecology OPD in Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences, Karad were analyzed by recording hematological data as total Hemoglobin, RBC Count, PCV, MCV, MCH & MCHC were calculated. All the pregnant women were taking Iron-Folic Acid supplementation throughout pregnancy (100 mg iron/500 μg folate once a day) Result: Out of 150 pregnant women studied. 85 (56.66%) cases were having normal Hemoglobin (11 & > 11 gm%) &observed percentage of anemia was 43.4 with more prevalence of moderate anemia in 2nd & 3rd trimester. According to blood indices & peripheral smear analysis predominantly microcytic hypochromic (55.4%) anemia was observed



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