
Study of cardiac dysfuction in hypothyroidism

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Introduction: Hypothyroidism is second most common endocrinopathy next to diabetes mellitus. Hypothyroidism is associated with increased cardiovascular mortality and morbidity1 .This study is aimed at studying the cardiac dysfunction in hypothyroidism by ECG and ECHO. Thus reiterating the need for treatment even in the milder forms of the disease. Materials & Methods: 50 new patients of hypothyroidism who presented to Bapuji and Chigateri government hospital from 1-10-2012 to 1-8-2014 were studied. They were clinically evaluated and underwent relevant investigations, including thyroid profile estimation, cardiac evaluation using ECG and 2D ECHO. Results: Most cases fell in the age group of 31-40 yrs. There was an overall female preponderance with mean age of 37.65yrs (76%). Most common symptoms are of weight gain, lethargy, dry skin, and hoarseness of voice and bradycardia and hypertension seen in 30% and 18 respectively. On examination diminished heart sound is found in 22% patients. Lipid analysis showed increase of TC, LDL, VLDL, TGL and decrease of HDL. Conclusion: Among 50 new cases of hypothyroidism, pericardial effusion was found in 18% patients. Diastolic dysfunction was seen in 18% patients. Thus any unexplained pericardial effusion should be screened for hypothyroidism.



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