
A rare anomaly: absence of slips of extensor digitorum tendon for little finger and presence of bifurcation of extensor digiti minimi tendon for little finger

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The extensor digitorum muscle (EDM) originates from the lateral epicondyle of the humerus via the common extensor tendon, the adjacent intermuscular septa and the antebrachial fascia1,2. It divides distally into four tendons which pass in a common synovial sheath with the tendon of extensor indicis, through a tunnel under the extensor retinaculum and diverge on the dorsum of the hand, one to each finger1,2. The tendon to the index finger is accompanied by the extensor indicis which lies medial (ulnar) to it. The tendon of the extensor digiti minimi attach to little finger with a slip of extensor digitorum tendon. During routine dissection , it has been found that there is presence of three digitorum tendon for index, middle and ring finger, but not for little finger. Also observed that extensor digiti minimi tendon bifurcates and attaches to little finger.



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