
Analysis of selected acute hemodynamic changes by abdominal exercises, with and without breath hold in males

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Abdominal exercises is an important part of treatment plans for post operative orthopedically surgeries, cardiothoracic, general surgeries and gynecological conditions as planed by physiotherapists. These exercises aimed at physical fitness for the population after post operative surgical conditions. Anterior abdominal muscles along with the posterior trunk muscles are important in supporting the body weight. One of the previous study found that weakness of these muscles predisposes to low back pain in middle aged population. Therefore, often he advised that abdominal muscle strengthening exercises is mandatory for above said age group people. Its has been observed by that approximately 80% of adults will experience low back pain (LBP) at some time in their lives. Thus those who seeking medical attention, many of them are prescribed ABDOMINAL STRENGTHENING EXERCISES (ASE) as part of a comprehensive treatment program . Although numerous abdominal exercises exist, in the fitness world but researchers have reported that the straight partial sit-up (SPSU) and oblique partial sit-up (OPSU) produced high abdominal muscle electromyography activity while maintaining low lumbar compressive and shear forces .



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