
A morphometric study of human subcarinal angle in different age groups in both sexes and its clinical implications

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Introduction: The subcarinal angle is the angle between the right and left main bronchus. Increase in the subcarinal angle is mentioned as an indirect sign of pathology in the heart or mediastimum such as left atrial enlargement, generalized cardiomegaly, lobar collapse, subcarinal mass or pericardial effusion. Methods: A morphometric study of human subcarinal angle was undertaken in the Department of Anatomy, Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education and Research, Kolkata, West Bengal, India, on 60 specimens (34 male and 26 female) procured from relatively fresh disease free cadavers from Kolkata Police Morgue. Subcarinal angle was measured with a diagonal scale on the photograph of the specimen by tracing the medial borders of the right and left principal bronchi with the marker pen. The standard error (SE), standard deviation (SD) and test of significance were calculated using independent sample‘t’ test and multiple comparison test. Observations: The present investigation revealed a wide variation in the subcarinal angle, in a same age group as well as in different age groups in both sexes. The mean subcarinal angle in male was 59.1 degrees and 53.1 degrees in females. Conclusion: The study of these subcarinal angle variations is of profound clinical importance as it may help the clinicians to understand the etiology of several pulmonary and cardiac diseases and the surgeons to deal with resection and reconstruction of the tracheobronchial tree. This knowledge is also helpful for smooth conduction of some manoeuvres like endotracheal intubation and bronchoscopic procedures.



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