
Assessment of lipid profile changes with respect to severity of liver dysfunction in cirrhosis of liver

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Objectives: Cirrhosis of Liver is the end stage result of many etiologies affecting Liver. It is important to assess severity since management varies accordingly. Liver plays a central role in lipid metabolism, lipids are known to be altered. Our aim was to assess severity of Cirrhosis by Child Pugh scoring and correlating with Lipid levels. We attempted to know the pattern of lipid abnormalities and assessed its role in prognostication. Methods: This was a Cross sectional study done at Bapuji hospital, a teritary care center at Davangere. 100 cirrhosis patients fulfilling inclusion criteria, were included in the study. Results: Levels of cholesterol, LDL, HDL and VLDL in cases were significantly reduced when compared to control group (P<0.000). Levels of TGL were marginally reduced in cases (P<0.05). Total Cholesterol (P <.001), TGL (P<.02), HDL (P < .05) and LDL (P<.000) showed a significant negative correlation with Severity of Cirrhosis. VLDL had no correlation with the severity of Cirrhosis. Conclusion: From this study, it was found that cholesterol, LDL, HDL and VLDL were significantly lower. The hypolipidemia may be due to decreased synthesis of Apolipoproteins in studies. Reduced HDLc could be attributed to decrease production of LCAT, apoliportien I and II. Hypolipidemia (except VLDL) was correlating to the severity of Cirrhosis. This is comparable to the earlier studies. In conclusion, dyslipidemia exists in patients with cirrhosis. Thus serum Lipid profile may serve as a sensitive indicator of Liver Dysfunction in Cirrhosis.



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