
Histochemical Effect Of Endosulfan On Different Layers Of Anterior Intestine Of Cyprinus Carpio Under Field Conditions

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To evaluate the histochemical effect of endosulfan (EDS) at concentrations 0.0015 and 0.002-ppm in different histological layers of the anterior intestine of a fresh water teleost, Cyprinus carpio; we estimated protein, carbohydrate and acid mucopolysaccharide contents at an interval of 10 and 20 days and compared them with one another and the control one. Our results showed that protein content after initial increase (ten days) tends to decrease (twenty days) showing recovery except longitudinal muscle and serosa where it continued to decrease; carbohydrate content increased in submucosa and circular muscle (0.0015ppm/10 & 20 days), while others showed reversion in 20 days, but at 0.002-ppm circular muscle showed extreme augmentation, while others showed slight increase; and acid mucopolysaccharide, against 0.0015ppm, showed slight increment in mucosal fold in 20 days and serosa and longitudinal muscle showed recovery (20 days) after showing decrement (10 days), while against 0.002ppm only serosa showed decrement and mucosal fold increment, while others exhibited first decrease followed by increase. Our results showed that changes in longitudinal muscle and serosa (protein), circular muscle (carbohydrate), serosa, and mucosal fold (acid mucopolysaccharide) might serve as primary biomarker and may prove as indispensable tool in diasoning the impact of the pesticide.



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